Etainia sericopeza

160067.00 — 0038 — Etainia sericopeza (Zeller, 1839) — Norway Maple Seedminer

Larval Host(s)

Presumed main host
on Block Island:

Known hosts:
Acer platanoides

Acer platanoides

Life History



Superficially similar to Acalyptris thoracealbella, a much smaller species, but otherwise not easily confused with any other species in the Northeast


  • Species Page at Moth Photographers Group
  • Barcode of Life (BOLD) - Caution: Some specimens shown may not be sequenced. DNA barcode provides evidence of relatedness not proof of identification.
  • Species Page at BugGuide
  • Van Nieukerken, E.J., C. Doorenweerd, R.J.B. Hoare, D.R. Davis, 2016. Revised classification and catalogue of global Nepticulidae and Opostegidae (Lepidoptera, Nepticuloidea). ZooKeys, 628: 65-246.